Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Smoke Gets In Your Eyes

So...Sunday night was more than interesting.

The wife & I spent the day at my brother's house for a great labor day party. was a little better than a party...add a volunteer fire department and a town hall & we would have officially been called a settlement.

Thanks again to Sean & Jackie for a great day.

Now...on to the ride home. Being the responsible adult that I am, I drunk. I purposely will not go places if I cannot get a ride home. Some people would say, "Why don't you just be the designated driver?" Really? No...why don't you be the designated driver. I like to have fun & I have NEVER been the designated driver...nor do I ever intend to. I would rather not go. Selfish? Maybe. Childish? Probably. Either way, if it comes to a night out, I make sure to always secure car service to bring me to & from my event.

This usually works out quite well...except on nights where car exhaust is unmercifully filtering throughout the cabin of the car. Now, the wife was warning me not to fall asleep because of the fumes...did I listen??? Of Course Not! Eventually the nausea, spinning & delirium set in. We pulled over @ exit 10 of the NJ Turnpike so I could get out to get sick....then the fit hit the shan...I proceeded to pass out...face first....THREE times. This is some seriously scary shit. Eyes rolling back in the heads & all kids!

Once I got back on my feet, inhaled some fresh oxygen & figured out where on the highway the wife was (OK - edit here....the wife was not sprawled out on the highway somewhere from the inhalation of toxic fumes - she was running down the highway trying to figure out where we were - I guess that's important to point out!) , we loaded back into the smoke box for the last 10 miles of the trip while doing our best dog impression with the heads out the window. We made it home safely and thankfully our lungs are once again functioning normally.

I would love to say that this was a near-death experience or that it has given me a new lease on life...Maybe it has...I don't know. What I do know is that this is now getting me to think about being the DD once in a while.

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