Wednesday, September 3, 2008

2nd Anniversary Celebrated With Style

September 2nd, 2008 - New York

I had a lot to do. Actually, we had a lot to do.

When our 1st anniversary went a little pear-shaped last year, we swore we would make it up to one another this year. When you combine illness & poor planning, the 1st anniversary was "paper" thin.

So, we knew this year would be better.

Where to start? Return to the scene of the crime. We decided to the spend the night @ The Hotel on Rivington...the place where I proposed to the wife back in March 2005. This place in unreal & in the Lower East Side of NYC...a true gem in NY.

Once we had the domicile for the evening, I started planning a day that neither one of us will forget anytime soon.

We started in the morning hitting up the spa for his & her treatments...laugh if you want boys & girls but my back has never been so knot free & my skin has never looked so good! No more porous nose for me!

Then it was on to lunch @ Bobby Flay's Mesa Grill
Now, I don't know if I necessarily call myself a minimum I am a manwhore for restaurants owned by celebrity chefs. Have a show on Food Network? You're getting my money! With that being said, Mesa Grill delivered 110% on lunch @ a price I would have paid @ some shithole in Brooklyn.

Random Thought While Typing This: I am going to punch this guy Suede on Project Runway!!!!! Dude....unless you are a WWE wrestler or a member of the 'Lil Wayne entourage - YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SPEAK IN THE THIRD PERSON! I hope you have a hot mess on your hands & go home immediately!

I digress. Mesa Grill was off the hook & I highly recommend the BBQ Pork sandwich with a Mesa Grill margarita!

After a three hour nap (which I only get on days I take off in the middle of the week)...we started getting ready for the crown culinary jewel of the evening...dinner @ Gordon Ramsay at the London.
Remember...manwhore for celebrity chefs!

We actually toiled with this decision for weeks! I made the reservation almost 2 months ago & ever since, had gone back & forth on whether to actually go or not.

Despite reading a few bad reviews & a warning from a sibling, we proceeded with the plan....and THANK GOD we did.

It was the most thoughtful & decadent dining experience of our entire lives! Overstating? I don't think so! The menu was unreal, the wine pairing was perfect & service was attentive. Overall...a HUGE win for the night & an experience I would recommend to anyone.

The night was topped off with a nightcap @ our hotel bar back in the lower east side & completely tucked away from the craziness of midtown. Its amazing how a great glass of sambuca can just put a bow on a perfect evening.

Now that we made up for last year...I can firmly set my sights on ruining next years' anniversary!


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