Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Auld Firm - Not Tae Worry

Inevitably, this happens every year.


While I bleed green & white like most of my brethren with Catholic ties to Glasgow, I refuse to subscribe to the end of the world philosophies every time we lose to the oppressors.

Someone once told me, "If we lose every league match in a year & only win the four Rangers matches, I would be perfectly happy!" WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP!

I would actually love for that to happen just once to see how people would feel; knowing we lost the league by 76 points.

The point is boys & girls, don't sweat it! Yeah, Rangers might have scored 4 goals @ Celtic Park for the first time in a Bazillion years...but so WHAT! We are the Champions....three years on the trot. And, we will be the champions until someone pries that trophy away from us in May. Last year, the league was not won & lost with Old Firm matches...whether we forget sometimes or not, there are other teams in the SPL we need to beat to be there in the end.

And besides, while they're at home, playing their flutes, getting shite tattoos & being overall baw bags...we'll be listening to Oasis, serenading Spanish birds & doing whatever it is they do in Denmark to deserve a team in the Champions League.

Til tha morraw!

So, stop fannying aboot. Pick up yer boot straps & get on with it.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

My Humble Beginning

Welcome to my little corner of the blogging universe. (Isn't that the standard blog intro?)

While I realize blogging is so 5 years ago, I finally think I have enough to say and a platform on which to say it. Or, I could just be fooling myself and wasting the little free time that I have.

Whatever the case, I figured a radio guy with a journalism degree who now sells coupons on a daily basis should have an interesting view of the world, at least I like to think so.

I would love to say that we are going to tackle many important topics here...I would love to say that, but I can't. More than likely, this is going to be a place to spew my complaints of the day.

Person staying too long on one machine at the gym? Hit the blog. Some deadbeat doesn't want to pay me? Hit the blog. Bad traffic for three hours? Hit the blog. Wife causing me all sorts of grief?????? Keep it to myself.

My puppy just put his head on my keyboard.....I have to go now.